Making Tax Digital - VAT - Bridge
User : Password : Forgotten Password ?


Please complete the following details to register. See the small print below for details of what we need, why we need it, how we keep it and how much it costs.

Email Address :
This will be your login name and will be used to communicate with you.
Passphrase :
The passphrase required to log in. It must be 10 or more characters long and must include upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special symbols, e.g. +=! etc.
Please Complete the Following.
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The Small Print

We are asking for your email address and password for your account. This is the first step of the registration process.

After you enter an email address and password we will create a temporary account for you that will expire after 1 hour. We will also send an email to the address you enter with a verification link in it. Clicking the link will tell us that your email address is valid, it will also make the account permanent, i.e. it will not expire after 1 hour. In short, you must receive the email and click the link within an hour of registering.

If you do not receive an email within the hour please contact us.

After Registering you will be able to add further details to your account to assist with your VAT filing.

The captcha is important - we have had several automated registrations lately so want to cut the numbers down.